Nano-bio-photonics 18-616 (ECE)
Professor Maysam Chamanzar

In this class we studied how light can be used in conjunction with nano technology
to perform non invasive sensing in biological tissues.

Our understanding of the concepts was tested in class and outside of class with homework assignments and examinations.
We finally had to produce a research paper on a cutting edge topic relating to photonics.

My research project was based on the following paper published in Nature by professor Chamanzar and his lab:

Ultrasonic Sculpting of Virtual Optical Waveguides in Tissue

In this paper Professor Chamanzar and his lab proved that by using ultrasound, waveguides could be created inside biological tissue.
Causing the tissue itself to act like a fiber optic, allowing light to be channeled deep inside the tissue.

My research showed that after optimizing 5 different parameters of the original experimental set up,
this technique could yield results with high spatial resolution
10-20 times deeper inside biological tissue than comparable existing techniques.

Y.Abittan , F. Qin, Novel acousto-optic virtual waveguides

Prof. Chamanzar and two other CMU professors have raised $20m
from DARPA's N3 program for “next-generation-nonsurgical-neurotechnology”
for a non invasive wearable using this technology to sense and stimulate the brain.

The full article detailing this ground breaking cross functional project can be found here